Do You Need to Hire a Construction Consultant?
Do you head up the building committee on the club board or is your HOA planning a
substantial project for the community, and are you stumbling as to how to get the project
off the ground?
Associations are the classic consumers in need of a construction consultant or owner’s
representative. Let me guess:
- Your role on the board is voluntary.
- You have little time to oversee this project along with your regular responsibilities,
- You have a fiduciary responsibility to the association
- You have little or no construction experience, especially for a project of this size.
- You are about bewildered as to where to start.
You May Need a Construction Consultant
Construction projects are exciting and very fun in the beginning, but they can be
extremely time-consuming, especially with the construction process learning curve, and
more complicated then you might expect.
“Well, we have Tom on the board and he ran his own plumbing company for 30 years,
so we are all set” That is like asking your accountant to oversee a corporate buyout. No
offense to Tom or your accountant but it is not the same thing. Their experience will
prove valuable but not practical. So be responsible and take the proper steps to ensure
the timely and cost-effective completion of the project.
Let’s quickly analyze the process for a hypothetical deck repair/replacement 300 unit
complex, decks are typical in size. Assuming the project is over $1M. Should you hire a
construction consultant? You decide……

Scenario: You have a reserve fund but are not clear if the funds available will cover the
necessary work
- You need a scope-review to determine what the needs actually are
- You need drawings and/or written scope to obtain pricing
- You need qualified contractors to perform the work
Selecting a Contractor (Things to Note)
- The project is a deck repair. Most contractors in this specialty have no experience
managing a project of this magnitude - Commercial contractors do have this type of experience and can handle the project
size, but they don’t typically like or offer services when it comes to residential work and
they often don’t build decks. - Residential Remodeling contractors who can handle the scope are looking for custom
home construction and not deck repairs - The project is + $1M so finding a contractor who can handle this dollar volume is
important - The project is residential
You Should Know: ·Many contractors avoid working for “Boards”. Why? Well…..
- Decisions are slow
- Everyone is an expert and has a friend who can do it better
- Changes to the work can be cumbersome
Managing Construction
- Homeowner coordination and communication is absolutely critical
- Billing and payment must be reviewed for accuracy, so the contractor does not get
ahead of you - Changes to the work must be reviewed for validity and reasonable cost.
- Work must be monitored to ensure quality and compliance with the contract.
A Construction Consultant can save you time and money
Your primary role is that of fiduciary responsibility, there is no expectation that you have
construction knowledge, your property management company can handle lawns,
landscape, snow removal, and pool cleaning but this is a major construction project in
need of professional oversite.
Do yourself and your board a favor and exercise your fiduciary responsibility to hire an
experienced construction manager to look over your shoulder, in the interest of the
board and the association to ensure the project gets done right and for a fair and
reasonable price.’
If this sounds like a project you are facing, then give us a call to discuss the process
and how our team can help you. I can be reached at 203-826-8096 or you can email
me at (of course, you can always click on the
“contact us” button and fill out that form as well….I will reach out to you ASAP!)